Empathy In Advertisement


Petronas Chinese New Year 2006 commercial
Negative empathy : Loneliness.
Idea                        : The loneliness of old people.
Concept                 : A story of a group of old female people sitting together and eating while 3 of the lady starts bragging about how busy and successful each of their son are. They start telling each other each story until the third female asked the fourth female how her son is. Unlike the others, the fourth lady say that his son is good and is coming to take him on a trip. At the end of the commercial, we can see that the fourth lady son arrive and she seems really happy while the rest of the lady felt lonely and abandoned.   
Rationale                : The situation is very similar in the society nowadays where a lot of rich people tend to leave their mother at a foster home rather than spending time with them. The commercial reminds people to never forget about their mother.

Petronas Independence Day commercial
Positive empathy : Love
Idea                      : How kids can love and tolerate each other despite their racial difference.
Concept               : The video shows an interview with a boy named Tan Hong Ming. He said that she loves someone in his class. The girl name is Umi Khazrina, a malay girl. He did not confess yet because he thought that Umi hate him. But at the end of the video, it is revealed that Umi also have a crush on Tan hong Ming and consider him as her boyfriend. Tan Hong Ming is happy and they walk away together happily.
Rationale              : The director is trying to portray how kids can love and tolerate each other despite their racial difference, unlike adults. Our country Malaysia has race segregation issue for the longest time and the director was trying to promote the otherwise.


GI Associates : Happy Baby
Positive empathy : Happiness
Idea                      : The happiness of a baby after a tummy check up.
Concept               : A picture of a baby smiling happily and a quote of what the baby are feeling at that time.
Rationale             : The advertisement shows how happy can a baby be if the parents have taken the baby to visit a pediatric gastroenterologist to have a tummy check up. As we all know, baby always have a tummy problem and that problem is why they always cry. To ensure the baby to not cry, visit the tummy doctor.

CONAC (Chilean Corporation Against Cancer) Anti Smoking Campaign
Negative empathy : Fear, Sadness
Idea                       : The smoke from the cigarette can kill children.
Concept                : A picture of children crying inside of a smoke that is shaped like a bag.
Rationale              : The picture is specifically design to instill fear to the parent who smoke. It shows how the smoke can kill their own children. The smoke that shaped like a bag shows how the smoke can suffocate the children and as if it was not enough, the children is also seen crying. This ad is very good because it gives an impact to the person who smoke to think twice before smoking.

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